AZ-BENESEC Energy Secret (hc) by Jane Alexander


Energy Secret by Jane Alexander


Using your vital energy properly can improve your health, relationships, and well-being—and this wisdom-packed book helps you do just that. It’s divided into four topics: Body Energy (including breathing, exercise, and nutrition); Emotional Energy (relating to other people); Environmental Energy (cultivating a nurturing atmosphere at home and work, and connecting with the natural world); and Spiritual Energy (prayer, visualizations, the dark energy of judgment and depression), and, finally, death and where our energy ultimately goes. Learn about healing treatments such as Reiki, acupressure, and acupuncture, and how to clear your energy paths and unblock your chakras to find harmony and joy. Jane offers simple techniques and exercises, from massage, tantra, and Taoism to feng shui and shamanism, making this a uniquely in-depth guide to energy and its secret power. A 6″ x 8.2″ Hardcover book with 192 pages.

Additional information

Weight 14 oz
Dimensions 8.2 × 6 × .06 in


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