Take a Sound Therapy Training Class in Indiana

Sound therapy is an important part of holistic medicine that supplements other practices by working with the body’s natural energy frequencies. If you want to add sound therapy to your holistic medicine practice, participate in a sound therapy training class from Pyramid of Enlightenment Corp.

About Sound Therapy

Although the cultural origins of sound therapy are debated, it’s generally agreed upon that the practice has ancient roots. Sound therapy may include listening to music or singing, but it can also include meditating alongside tuning forks and other vibrational instruments.

The primary benefits of sound therapy are seen in mental and spiritual well-being. Of course, as things like stress, anxiety, and depression decrease, the body sees physical benefits. These benefits include improved blood flow and pain reduction. When combined with other forms of holistic and modern medicine, sound therapy can be extremely beneficial to those suffering from chronic illnesses.

About Sound Therapy Training

At Pyramid of Enlightenment Corp., we offer a wide range of courses in holistic medicine, spiritualism, and metaphysics. Our course in sound therapy will enable you to perform sound therapy on others as part of their overarching holistic treatment plan.

This course is in-person in Indiana to allow participants the opportunity to participate in hands-on training for optimal results. In this course, we will work with tuning forks that work at a variety of vibrational frequencies to help correct the body’s energy frequencies by taking them out of discord and putting them into harmony.

In this course, you will learn how to utilize tuning forks to provide sound therapy to address various illnesses.

About Pyramid of Enlightenment Corp.

At Pyramid of Enlightenment Corp., we help individuals directly and indirectly. We provide psychic and holistic services along with teaching these techniques so that others may provide healing. We also have a bookstore where we sell books, crystals, stones, incense, and a variety of other items to help you along your spiritual journey.

To inquire about any of our services, fill out our contact form.