Classes - Learn Reiki from beginners level all the way to becoming an advanced Reiki Master

Reiki 1 Class
January 17, 2024

Reiki 2 Class
January 24, 2024

Reiki 3 Class
January 31, 2024

6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Taught by Lee Ann Cornell and Jody
Your First Step On Your Path To Wholeness
Reiki classes must call 1 week in advance to reserve seat
Cost of Classes:
Reiki I $95 or $80 cash discount
Reiki II $95 or $80 cash discount
Reiki III $190 or $160 cash discount

For those that have taken any of these classes before and need a refresher course, it will be offered for half price

Pyramid of Enlightenment

Learn the ancient healing art of Reiki and commit to healing yourself and others, and enjoy a greater awareness of your healing capabilities! Each class explores additional healing modalities that work synergistically with the Reiki system as well as hands-on practice. Attunements are given and a Usui lineage certificate is issued at the completion of class. Reiki is for everyone and does not depend on a person’s intellect or spiritual development. Reiki I, II, and III. Certifications are available through The Pyramid of Enlightenment.

The Certified Practitioner: One can not become a Reiki practitioner or Reiki Master simply by reading a book. The most important element of the Reiki system is the initiation ritual, which is performed by the Reiki Master during a Reiki class. The attunement ritual activates the Chakras and attunes the student’s life force to the creative healing power of the Universal Life Force Energy (Reiki).

Reiki Degrees
Receiving Reiki is a milestone in your life, and from the time of attunement, your life is forever changed!

Level I - Self Healing
The First Degree attunements are focused mainly on opening up the physical body so that it can then accept (channel) greater quantities of the Universal Life Force Energy. The four attunements of this degree raise the vibratory rate of the seven energy centers, chakras, of the upper part of the body.

Level II - The Practitioner

The Second Degree attunement process provides a "quantum leap" in vibratory level and is at least four times greater than First Degree. The symbols that are taught in this degree for absentee healings become activated at this point. In addition, we often find that intuitive abilities are heightened.

Level III - Master/Teacher
The Third Degree attunement is used to initiate a Master. A Reiki Master is simply someone who has chosen to accept greater responsibility for their life by acknowledging that he/she is indeed Master of his/her own destiny. Master means "Teacher", someone who has made a commitment to help others empower themselves. By accepting this responsibility, the Reiki Master is empowered to use specific "ancient Tibetan technology" in the process.

Note: The attunements affect each individual differently, depending on their vibratory level when they first receive them.

Reiki Classes: Who Can Learn It?

Reiki does not depend on a person's intellectual capacity or spiritual development and therefore is available to everyone. Reiki is an amazingly simple technique to learn. The ability to use Reiki is transferred to the student during a Reiki class. This ability is passed on during an "attunement" given by a Reiki Master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve one's health and enhance the quality of life.

The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words: Rei, which means "God's wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki, which is "life force energy."

"I believe some people are just natural healers. I am told by my guides that there are all kinds of angels in heaven that want to do healings here on earth; however, are not able to because of our vibration level being so different from theirs. By receiving the attunements, our vibrations are altered so that they can be more easily channeled through."

Quote from LeeAnn:

"I feel blessed to share Reiki and to assist people in having a better quality of life. I know that a force much greater than I is there guiding me. I have been a Reiki practitioner for over 10 years. I offer one on one classes, days, evening or weekends. Upon completion of class I give a Usui lineage certificate. Reiki classes are taught all over the country and in many parts of the world. If you are interested in learning Reiki please call the Pyramid of Enlightenment to schedule a time that is convenient for you."

Class Evaluations for Reiki II Class:

What do you like best about this course?

  • The simplicity in explanation.
  • Learning new things - attunements

What would you like to change about the class?

  • I don't know enough to answer yet.
  • Nothing to change. . . just time keeping.

What are the instructor's strengths?

  • Years in this field and experience.
  • Knowledge, intelligence, connected

What suggestions do you have to improve the instructor's teaching?

  • Time management is the only feedback I have. I love the class (my 2nd time) just do need to be done by 9 p.m.


I was so excited to be invited to Lee Ann's Reiki classes. I finally was able to afford them because of her affordable pricing and I enjoyed the knowledge I learned. - Ali S.

I am very glad I decided to get my Reiki training with Lee Ann. She has a very calm, soothing energy. I learned a ton. She is very knowledgeable. - Molly M.