
with Lisa Hays

Monthly beginning Saturday, May 11th
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Lisa is what the E.T. community calls a “contactee”. She has had first hand contact with extraterrestrials by going aboard two different spaceships. Lisa spontaneously entered vortices that got her in space and on their ships. In 2010, Lisa teleported from her Indianapolis home to a “parking lot” for spaceships and entered a ship while floating in space. In 2011, Lisa teleported from a crop circle in Wiltshire England and onto a spaceship while attending Dr. Steven Greer’s extraterrestrial expedition. Lisa will share her experiences in detail and answer questions.

Why the E.T. Chat is Calling You

  • Enter a safe and inviting environment with like-minded people
  • Participate in a “mind blowing” conversation
  • Share your own contactee experiences
  • Discover the spectrum of extraterrestrials
  • Discuss teleportation and vortex experiences
  • Tap into related phenomena such as elementals, spirits and angels
  • Build a network for CE5 contact gatherings
  • Find relief in finding your E.T. Tribe


As facilitator of the E.T. Chat, Lisa will orchestrate a colorful, cohesive and lively discussion in which you will walk away wanting more. That’s why each chat is “to be continued” until the next month’s chat.

All Aboard, so bring your family and friends!


Each Monthly E.T. Chat is $25 cash discount or $35 credit card
Walk-ins Welcome!