Photo by <a href="">Mike Labrum</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>
Photo by Mike Labrum on Unsplash

Guided Meditation
with Lee Ann Cornell

Tuesday Evenings  6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
June 25th, July 30th

The Power of Group Meditation

When individuals collectively join together in meditation they can enter into a shared hyper field that seems to transcend physical space.  Through a guided meditation and a shared intent, the group can become in sync.  As the group becomes in sync, the energies  become greatly amplified.  This is why people are drawn together to pray, sing and meditate.  When entering into uncharted territories it is always more assuring to have an experienced guide.  This is why many people prefer to have someone in person, like Lee Ann, with her soothing voice, lead the way.

Learn To:

  • Balance your spiritual centers & bring healing light into your life
  • Connect with the energies within yourself and the energies around you
  • Connect telepathically with angels, guides and loved ones in spirit
  • Learn to quiet your mind and establish a sense of peace

Benefits of Meditation:

  • Aids in Releasing Emotions
  • Aids in Sleep and Relaxation
  • Amplifies Energy
  • Increases Creativity and Intuition
  • Increases Mutual Awareness
  • Loosens Blocked Energy
  • Releases Stress
  • Supports the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself
  • Works on the Casual Level of Disease


$35 or $25 cash discount for each evening you choose to attend