alchemy spoon and fork tools

Alchemy Tools
with Lisa Hays

Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
(3 week class)

May 7th, 14th and 21st

For the past 25 years, but especially since 2008, Lisa has experienced metaphysical and transformational awakenings that have given her a wondrous new perspective about life’s journey and the mechanics of this reality. Lisa’s intuitive and psychic gifts have grown during this time as well. As a result, Lisa continually downloads Alchemy Tools to assist her in living a happy and harmonious life.

Benefits of taking this class:

  • You will discover who you are and that you are the one you are waiting for!
  • You will discover your inner technologies and superhuman abilities!
    BRING old spoons and forks to bend

Class 1

  • You will practice mantras and exercises to clean and heal your body.
  • Lisa will teach her download to facilitate instantaneous healings for yourself and others.
  • You will play with the concept of “Mind over Matter” by using spoons and forks that melt in your hands and easily bend. Plus practice sticking pennies to the wall!


Class 2

  • You will practice additional methods to clean and heal your body.
  • You will practice the method Lisa downloaded to remove negative emotional charges from your body and mind, providing instantaneous emotional relief.
  • You will continue to play with the concept of “Mind over Matter” by using spoons and forks that melt in your hands and easily bend. Plus practice sticking pennies to the wall!


Class 3

  • Recap of first 2 classes and continued practice of methods to clean and heal your body.
  • You will engage in a semi-meditative practice to enter the Void. Lisa will share her experiences of entering the Void and the magic that happened right afterwards.
  • You will continue to play with the concept of “Mind over Matter” by using spoons and forks that melt in your hands and easily bend. Plus practice sticking pennies to the wall!


In this 3-part class series, you will enjoy Lisa’s colorful power point slides and learn alchemy tools that you can practice at home to enrich your life. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Three Class Price: $90 if paid at first class; or Cash Discount of $80 if paid at first class

Single Class Price: $40 or Cash Discount of $30