Check Out What’s Happening!

Wonders of the Fall: A Metaphysical Gathering - October 12th

Time: 11 am to 6 pm

Come and enjoy our plethora of vendors that can touch different aspects of your spiritual path!

Foot Detoxifying (First part of the day), Homemade Teas, Orgonite Healing, Copper Wrapped Jewelry, Handmade Jewelry, Tumblers, T-Shirts, Bandanas

Along with psychic readings, aura photos and mini tuning fork sessions!

More details to come!

Light Language and Angels Seminar - October 18th

Time: 7 pm to 9 pm

Light Language is a form of spiritual communication that transcends traditional spoken languages, often described as a Spirit or Angelic Language.

It is believed to originate from higher (5D) dimensions, allowing individuals to connect with celestial beings like angels and spirit guides.

Whether you’re new to this concept or seeking to deepen your understanding, David will unveil the transformative power of Light Language.

Discover how engaging with these vibrations can uplift your consciousness, promote healing, and align you with your spiritual essence.

Could be the key to unlocking new dimensions of personal growth and spiritual awakening? Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your awareness and embrace a higher frequency of existence.

Join Us For Our Psychic Fair!

November 9th & 10th

Saturday 11:00 am to 7:00 pm - Sunday 11:00 am to 6:00 pm

Admission to the event is $5.

Each Reading at the event is $30 if using a credit card and only $20 if using cash.

Joyful Circle of Sounds - TBD

Time: 2 pm to 4 pm

Gather up your Djembes, Bongos, Flutes and Native American instruments and join us for our FIRST drumming circle!

Free to Attend - Donations Appreciated

Healing Circle - TBD

Join us! Share your knowledge. Practice your modality.

Practitioners, students, all are welcome!

Any kind of energy/sound healing may be practiced - all equipment necessary will need to be brought with you.

Doors open at 12 pm for early set up.

Meditation will begin at 1 pm. Doors will be CLOSED to meditation room and re-opened at 1:30 pm. After the doors re-open, set up may continue and the healing begins. Healing circle with conclude at 4:30 pm.

Donations Appreciated.