Spiritual Ascension
Moving into the New Earth and a “5D” reality carries with it the job of raising and maintaining our vibration. Through the spiritual awakening process, we break down the old system by leveling up our vibration so we can experience a new, more advanced consciousness and reality.
Reaching Higher Dimensions Through Vibration And Frequencies
Instructor: Lee Ann Cornell
Higher Dimensions
Beyond the familiar three dimensions (length, width, height), there are higher dimensions that exist beyond our physical perception.
The fourth dimension (4D) is often associated with time, while the fifth dimension (5D) transcends time and space. It's a realm of expanded consciousness.
Vibration and Frequency
Everything in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency. Our thoughts, emotions, and physical bodies emit vibrations.
To ascend, we must raise our personal vibration by aligning with love, compassion, and positive energy.
Practices like meditation, chanting, and energy healing help attune us to higher frequencies.
Energetic Shifts
As Earth undergoes its own ascension, energetic shifts occur. These shifts affect our collective consciousness.
The Schumann Resonance, a measure of Earth's electromagnetic frequency, has been increasing. Some believe it reflects the planet's ascension process.
Awakening and Expansion
Spiritual awakening involves recognizing our true nature beyond the physical body.
Expanded awareness allows us to perceive interconnectedness, unity, and the divine.
Intuition, psychic abilities, and synchronicities become more pronounced.
Challenges and Integration
Ascension isn't always smooth. We face challenges like releasing old patterns, healing past wounds, and letting go of attachments. Integration involves grounding these higher energies into our daily lives.
Living in 5D
In 5D, fear-based thinking gives way to love-based consciousness.
Time becomes nonlinear, and we experience more joy, creativity, and flow.
Compassion, forgiveness, and cooperation become natural expressions.
Vibration and frequencies is an intricate part of the ascension process. This class is designed around the use of the 21 solfeggio frequencies that are designed to assist in the ascension process.
Call The Pyramid of Enlightenment office to reserve a seat in an upcoming class.
Date and time of class to be scheduled soon.