From Dark To Light

Finding the REAL Truth

Instructor: Mark Allan

What Is It About?

Dark to Light “TRUTH” class embarks on your journey of enlightenment through waking up. If you find yourself going down the “rabbit hole” often - then this one is for you! You will be able to start pushing past the limitations that have been placed upon us. It’s meant for those who have been gathering their own information for awhile and want to make sense of it.

It Is Not for the Weak at Heart

  This class may not be for those who are just waking up but rather the ones who have been for awhile and want to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see the bigger picture.

Benefits of the Class

 You will NOT be told how to think but rather it’s about breaking down detailed tools you can use at your own will. It is a discussion group as well so you can hear different interpretations.

Mark receives intuitive guidance on discussion topics shortly before each session with something new each week so when it’s your time, we look forward to seeing you!

Questions are welcome along with topics to discuss! You just might find better solution’s and enjoy your path’s journey.

Call our office to reserve a seat.
Class will be held on Sundays from 5 pm to 6:30 pm.