The Heart Chakra
Heart chakra, or Anahata , is the fourth chakra, located between three lower and three higher chakras. It is associated with the feeling of love and acceptance. The sanscrit word "Anahata" means "unhurt". If the chakra is blocked, you may feel grief, anger, jealousy or broken. You can cultivate love and forgiveness at the heart chakra through meditation. Sit in a comfortable position and place your hands on your knees. The healing sound in this video corresponds to the heart chakra's 639 Hz frequency. As you hear the bell, you may repeat the mantra "YAM ". Or you can repeat the simple mantra "I love" to feel open and accepting.
Unlocking The Heart Chakra: A Journey Of Love And Harmony
Written by: Lee Ann Cornell
In the realm of spiritual understanding, the term "chakra" originates from Hindu philosophy, representing spinning wheels of energy that exist within each of us. Picture seven major chakra centers aligned vertically along the spine, each holding its own domain of consciousness and vibrating to unique frequencies.
Starting at the base of the spine, we encounter the root chakra, often dubbed the survival chakra. Here, instincts for self-preservation, often manifesting as "fight or flight" responses, find their home. It's where our primal fears reside, grounding us to the earth.
Next To The Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart
Moving upward, we reach the sacral chakra nestled near the belly, a hub for our expressions of creativity and sexuality. Next in line is the solar plexus chakra, where emotions, power dynamics, and sensitivities converge. Here, we confront feelings of anger, hostility, and navigate through struggles for authority and autonomy.
The heart chakra, residing in the middle of the chest, emerges as the pivotal center of love and harmony. It's through this chakra that we not only experience love but also learn to extend it outward. However, the journey to fully opening our hearts involves clearing any obstructions from the root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras. As we connect with others and share our love, ethereal "heart strings" weave between our heart centers, signifying a profound bond.
Progression Of Energies Through The Chakras
Love's progression unfolds as energies cascade downward. From the heart, they flow into the solar plexus, fostering emotional bonds, then further descend to the sacral chakra, where desires and expressions of intimacy reside. Ultimately, love finds its culmination in the root chakra, where we yearn to establish roots and commit to relationships.
Beyond the heart, the throat chakra emerges as the seat of expression and communication, where thoughts and feelings find voice. Moving higher, the brow chakra, associated with creativity, visualization, and intuition, aids in dissolving grief and connecting with our spiritual essence. Finally, the crown chakra opens pathways to transcendental insights, drawing us closer to the divine.
Importance Of Alignment
In the pursuit of ideal relationships, alignment across all chakras is paramount. A synergy that harmonizes spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical energies enriches our connections. Seeking companions who resonate with our values, beliefs, and spiritual inclinations can nurture such harmony.
To encapsulate, as Shirley MacLaine eloquently put it in "Going Within," Eastern mystics regard the heart chakra as the nucleus of the soul, where personalities are shaped. Within this sacred center, the soul generates the "forever hormone" of love, imbuing us with eternal youthfulness through its boundless essence.