Aura Photos

Aura photo service

Unveiling the Enigmatic World of Aura Photography

Dive deeper into the captivating realm of aura photography, where the invisible becomes visible, and the intangible finds expression in vibrant hues. Much like peering through the eyes of a clairvoyant, aura photography offers a glimpse into the multidimensional layers of your being, portraying the intricate interplay of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states.

Your aura serves as a dynamic canvas, painting a picture of your essence through a spectrum of colors. While the core essence of your aura remains relatively stable, it possesses the remarkable ability to reflect subtle shifts and fluctuations in your energy field over time. This radiant aura not only emanates your life force energy but also acts as a protective barrier, shielding you from external influences and preserving the sanctity of your spiritual and physical selves.

Aura photography merges the art of Kirlian Photography with cutting-edge computer technology, culminating in a revolutionary process that captures the essence of your electromagnetic energy field. Through this innovative approach, a color Polaroid photograph materializes, serving as a tangible representation of your ethereal aura.

Deciphering the Language of Your Aura Photograph

Within the intricate tapestry of your aura photograph lies a wealth of information waiting to be unraveled:

Left Side (Future): The colors adorning your left side offer a glimpse into the vibrations poised to enter your life's tapestry. Proximity to your being indicates the immediacy of their impact, whether unfolding within minutes, hours, or months.

Center (Experience): Positioned above your head, the color at the center of your aura signifies your current experiences and defines your present reality. Changes in this color serve as subtle markers of the evolving chapters of your life.

Right Side (Expression): Traditionally representing the energy you project outwardly, the color on your right side influences how others perceive and interact with you. It embodies the essence of your outward persona and the impressions you leave upon the world.

Unlocking the Secrets of Aura Colors

Embark on a journey of self-discovery as you delve into the rich tapestry of aura colors, each imbued with its own unique symbolism and significance:

Red: Symbolizing vitality, passion, and fortitude, red paints a portrait of your inner drive and determination. Darker shades may hint at underlying tensions or unresolved conflicts.

Orange: Radiating creativity, confidence, and enthusiasm, orange blends the fiery vigor of red with the sunny disposition of yellow. It embodies the essence of mental energy and a zest for life's adventures.

Yellow: With its sunny disposition and optimistic outlook, yellow embodies spontaneity, joy, and a sense of adventure. It serves as a beacon of positivity, drawing others towards your radiant warmth and infectious energy.

Green: Signifying growth, healing, and renewal, green heralds a season of new beginnings and personal transformation. It embodies a sense of balance and abundance, particularly prevalent in healing professions.

Pink: Infused with sensitivity, compassion, and tenderness, pink reflects the nurturing and empathetic aspects of your nature. It exudes a gentle warmth that touches the hearts of those around you.

Blue: Evoking feelings of peace, trust, and communication, blue fosters harmony and integrity in your interactions. It symbolizes a capacity for healing and empathy, making you a trusted confidant and compassionate listener.

Indigo: Deeply spiritual and intuitively attuned, indigo embodies a quest for truth and higher knowledge. It signifies a profound connection to the divine and a gift for spiritual insight and healing.

Purple: Merging wisdom with action, purple hints at psychic abilities and spiritual depth. It may indicate a soulful journey and a profound connection to the mysteries of the cosmos.

White: Encompassing the entirety of the color spectrum, white symbolizes spiritual purity and divine protection. It represents a spiritually guided and intellectually developed individual.

Magenta: Bursting with creativity and innovation, magenta embodies a playful spirit and a visionary outlook. It inspires others with its imaginative fervor and childlike sense of wonder.

Turquoise: Reflecting generosity and stewardship, turquoise embodies a nurturing and caretaking nature. It signifies a sense of responsibility towards the earth and its inhabitants.

Black Spots: Serving as indicators of challenges or blockages, black spots within your aura may point towards areas of protection or unresolved issues, particularly prevalent around the throat and solar plexus regions.

Unlock the Mysteries of Your Aura

Step into the enchanting world of aura photography and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. With each photograph, you gain deeper insights into the intricacies of your being, unlocking hidden potentials and embracing the kaleidoscope of colors that define your essence. Embrace the magic of aura photography and unravel the mysteries of your soul's radiant tapestry.

Call to schedule a time to come in for your photo and report today!